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Selasa, 28 Februari 2012

Wee Willie Winkie - A Random Poetry by Me

Lagi nge-galau begini, saya malah iseng nulis puisi dari doujin USxUK berjudul 'Nursery Rhimes'.

Ini dia sampul doujinnya~ (NB : Ini doujin ratingnya 17+, dan untunglah pake bahasa Jepang, sehingga saya gak ngerti apa-apa :D)
Wokelah. Cekidot.

Untuk puisinya, Rheyna ggak yakin tentang apa. Tapi biarlah, lagian rima-nya asik, kok. :D
Okay, here we go!

Wee Willie Winkie

Wee Willie Winkie runs through the town,
Up stairs and down stairs in his night-gown,
Tapping at the window, crying at the lock,
"Are the children in their bed, for it's now ten o'clock?"
    "Hey Willie Winkie, are you coming in?
   The cat is singing purring sounds to the sleeping hen,
   The dog's spread out on the door, and doesn't give a cheep,
   But here's a wakeful little boy who will not fall asleep!"
 Anything but sleep, you rogue! glowering like the moon,
Rattling in an iron jug with an iron spoon,
Rumbling, tumbling round about, crowing like a cock,
Shrieking like I don't know what, waking sleeping folk.
   "Hey, Willie Winkie - the child's in a creel!
   Wriggling from everyone's kneel like an eel,
   Tugging at the cat's ear, and confusing all her thrums,
   Hey, Willie Winkie - see, there he comes!"
Weary is the mother who has a dusty child,
A small short little child, who can't run on his own,
Who always has a battle with sleep before he'll close an eye
But a kiss from his rosy lips gives strength anew to me.

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